Featured PubsGuys BarCLIFDEN, GalwayFoyles HotelCLIFDEN, GalwayVaughan's Pub-bistroCLIFDEN, GalwaySuper ValuCLIFDEN, GalwayGriffinsCLIFDEN, GalwayThe Station House HotelCLIFDEN, Galway Map of CLIFDEN, Co. Galway, showing 15 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.Show me pubs near meListing all 15 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in CLIFDEN, Co. Galway:Abbeyglen Castle HotelAlcock & Brown HotelArdagh Hotel & RestaurantFoyles HotelGriffinsGuys BarJ. Conneely'sLowrys BarMannions BarO'tooles BarSuper ValuThe Central HotelThe Station House HotelTom King's Bar And SnugVaughan's Pub-bistro