Featured Pubs
Map of SLIGO, Co. Sligo, showing 30 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.
Listing all 30 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in SLIGO, Co. Sligo:
- Blue Lagoon Pub
- Conways
- Donaghy's
- Fiddlers Creek
- Hargadon Bros.
- Hennigans Pub
- Mchugh's
- Mclaughlins Bar
- Molly Fulton's
- Mooney's Bar
- O'neills Pub
- Raffertys Bar
- Rendezvous Lounge
- Shoot The Crows
- Sligo City Hotel
- Sligo Park Hotel
- Sligo Southern Hotel
- T D's Musibar
- The Adelaide
- The Brewery
- The Garavogue
- The Harp Tavern
- The Irish House
- The Leitrim Bar
- The Snug
- The Stables
- The Thatch
- The Yacht Inn
- Thomas Connolly
- Velvet Room