Featured Pubs
Map of LIMERICK, Co. Limerick, showing 82 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.
Listing all 82 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in LIMERICK, Co. Limerick:
- Angel Lane
- Ardhu Bar
- Bentleys
- Bobby Byrne's Bar
- Carlton Castletroy Park Hotel
- Charlie Chaplins
- Charlie St Georges
- Cobblestone Joe's
- Corbally Bar
- Crush 87
- Curragower Bar
- Dolans
- Fine Wines
- Flannerys
- Forte Travelodge
- Foxy's Bar
- Greene's Cafe
- Greenhills Hotel
- Hi-way Restaurant & Bar
- Horse & Hound
- J. Noonan
- J.j. Bowles
- Jerry Flannery's Bar
- Katy Daly's
- Kennedy O'brien's
- Kilmurry Lodge Hotel
- Lime Tree Theatre
- Limerick City Hotel
- M. Fennessy
- Maldron Hotel Ltd
- Michael Martins Bar
- Molly Malones
- Munster Fair Tavern
- Murphy's Bar
- Myles Breen
- Nancy Blakes
- Next Door Off Licence
- No 1 Pery Square Hotel
- O'donnells Bar
- O'dwyers
- P.a. Martin
- Patsy Nicholas
- Phantoms& Willie Sexton's
- Player's Bar
- Rashers
- Riddlers Bar & Lounge
- Ryan's Bar
- Scott's Bar Ashdown Centre
- Shanahan's Bar
- Slattery's Bar
- Small Claws
- Smyths Bar & Club Icon
- Squire Maguires
- Stepper Flanagans
- Strand Hotel Limerick
- The Bailey
- The Black Swan
- The Cauldron Bar
- The Clarion Hotel
- The Country Club
- The Gate Bar
- The George Hotel
- The Glen Tavern
- The Haven Bar
- The Imperial Bar
- The Launch Bar
- The Locke Bar & Restaurant
- The Mall Bar
- The Millenium Theatre
- The Old Quarter
- The Park View Bar
- The Railway Hotel
- The Round House
- The Savoy Hotel
- The Spotted Dog
- The Still House
- The Triple Crown
- The White House
- The Windmill Bar
- University Concert Hall
- W. J. South
- Woodfield House Hotel